Friday, January 20, 2017

Im. Such. A. Weird. Duckling. ^^
Honestly I can't explain how different I am from others, well not too different haha but different enough to feel out there.  Everyone seems to have their entire life on social while I'm here with a blog haha ehhhh
Everyone posts funny stuff online, and selfies ( they make it looks so easy to do, but once my face hits The camara  I feel like a deer in headlights haha ) I dunno. I tend to keep my funny stuff to myself and friends and selfies are....uh difficult haha. I love myself, sometimes, but I don't know selfies seems too much.
One day, I'll give it a try. I was able to make this blog so yeah.
GoOd DaY 🍭

Wednesday, January 4, 2017

We're all just outcasts in our own way.

If you are ever insecure or lonely, you should just remember that we are all outcasts and different in our own way and deserve to be here in the world. I was given advice before that even though I have flaws and scars someone will always love me for who I am. Haha I sound weird....talking from the heart gives me that warm fuzzy feeling. 
Oh oh also life is about making decisions, choosing a path, taking a stand, making a mark, to be honest it's really different for everyone. 
We are all something, humanitarians, healers, comedians, introverts, outcasts, or even destroyers ( lol don't be like that though ). 
Even if you believe we are born alone in the world, life helps those who help themselves am I right? Haha 
I could say more but I'm afraid I'll make no sense so...

Sunday, January 1, 2017

Oh god....I'm gonna be so emo in this post. So, I feel terribly lonely and so alienated by everyone. School is out and we're in winter break, happy New Years and merry Christmas peoples.
See when I'm away from friends I lose a lot of my confidence. Hell friends are my confidence.
When I lose my confidence I go back to my old self. My old self wasn't the best person. No no no
She was very shy as people would say but honestly, it was social anxiety. If she was shy, she would no doubt get used to talking to people, but nooooooo life's gotta be a pain and make her scared all the friggin time. She also had bad anger XD. Why I'm speaking in third person right now is because I'm not that person anymore plus I switched my names, I'm not gonna say my past name but right now it's Tsunami, which is my first name. Ok AHHH *long sigh* well, since my last post, I made a new friend called Max. He's super cool and totally the best guy friend I've ever  had online. Well we've been talking for a long time actually, he's introduced me to some of his friends too, and also to his kismesis. A kismesis is like someone who you deeply hate but love them as well, his name is dham, not actually dham but I can't say his real name nor can Max. They have a special relationship and a rule that max can't say his real name. I met dham and we had a pretty cool conversation. Dham is really strange, mature, a genius, and practically emotionless. No one knows dham's game except max and me. I don't know why dham told me his name, he said mine was unique and pretty and he liked it haha *blushes* I remember, I had a kismesis too. His name was David, he made me a total monster but I couldn't even bare to leave him. I can't talk to him anymore but I still really want to.
Yeah let's not go into the dark ages of the past haha. So, 2017! 2016 friggin sucked. So many celebrities died,  and drama happened in 2016. But like I care. I honestly don't care about society at this point. I mean I can still be kind to everyone there's no point to not be unless theyre a total asshole but I just don't care. Like I don't care about the elections or disasters. I mean I would try to help but it doesn't bother me a bit. I may sound a little selfish like this but I'd rather live my life the way I'd like to. Without having to worry about the world. Of course I'll help but I won't let it burst my bubble. My life is yet a simple one but I'd make it as adventurous and fun for me and others such as friends and partners. And then soon have kids and make them super smart and different. Actually I would take my kids to school but I feel that wouldn't help. I don't want my kids to be ordinary. We need more people that are out of the ordinary. I dont like the fact that people are born in this world to go to school. Finish it. Go to college and get a job for no actual reason except to survive in society and spend your life super boring till your old :(  I want my kids to go through a good life that others kids can't get and spread it on to their kids.
See what I want to do is when they're born they will go to school. Sure whatever but you know how when you're spoken in a different language when your little and then you learn it over time
I would do that to my kids so they'll know tons of languages when they're grown X3
And they're gonna go around the world and stuff and meet new people. I know that it's gonna be sad because they're gonna make friends but then leave them but that's a quick understanding of life. Change. I'll teach them stuff like discipline and education. Instead at school. I'm really debating if they should be homeschooled or not. If they go to a regular co Ed school they will meet lots of people and they'll no doubt want to be like them right? They'll be able to meet good and bad kids and choose to be with who. I guess if I'll teach them to be smart they'll know. Haha and I will dress them so cute till they're old enough to do it. I wouldn't push gender roles and stuff on them. So I'll let them wear whatever unless it shows skin then HELL NO. Hm I would obviously want 1 boy and girl haha
I'd like my daughter to be blonde and my son to have dirty blonde/brown hair.
ANYWAYS what else is there to say??? Hm dunno •A•
Yeah that's about it. I know no one will really read this but it's nice to get this off my chest X3
OH! So my appearance hmmmm. I have brown short hair and brown eyes. So typical >~<
I actually look a lot like a guy •A• im not that tall. I have broad shoulders like a guy. I wear baggy clothing so my chest looks pretty flat. I slouch and walk masculine. I always almost have my hands in my pockets. My friends always told me that I look more manlier  than a guy XD
One thing. I really wanna be feminine sometimes like with long hair and all ladylike but idk my appearance just makes me look so tomboyish haha ehhhh. I am growing my hair out but idk if thatlll even make me look feminine XD eh sometimes I'm proud of my appearance and then other times I wanna change it.
I guess this is all I wanna say so yeah