Wednesday, January 4, 2017

We're all just outcasts in our own way.

If you are ever insecure or lonely, you should just remember that we are all outcasts and different in our own way and deserve to be here in the world. I was given advice before that even though I have flaws and scars someone will always love me for who I am. Haha I sound weird....talking from the heart gives me that warm fuzzy feeling. 
Oh oh also life is about making decisions, choosing a path, taking a stand, making a mark, to be honest it's really different for everyone. 
We are all something, humanitarians, healers, comedians, introverts, outcasts, or even destroyers ( lol don't be like that though ). 
Even if you believe we are born alone in the world, life helps those who help themselves am I right? Haha 
I could say more but I'm afraid I'll make no sense so...

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